
Thursday, July 16, 2009

tazti voice recognition (speak with u r pc )

Speech recognition at it's simplest is the conversion of the words a person speaks into digital signals which a computer can understand. These digital signals can be programmed inside a software application to trigger a computer to take an action.
As an example, tazti speech recognition software has the speech command "play music" built into it. When a person speaks the words "play music" the software understands the person, converts the words into digital signals then interprets those signals as meaning "turn on the itunes music player if it is installed in this PC". The PC then takes action - in this case opening iTunes.
What does the future hold for speech recognition?
Speech recognition has been around in one form or another for many years. Incremental improvements over the years have spawned some effective dictation programs for PCs. More recently, simple speech recognition has been incorporated into cell phones, and most recently we are seeing speech recognition music players appearing in some cars. In the future you can expect to see speech recognition appear in other items such as home phones, refrigerators, home management systems controlling lighting, stereo systems and maybe even your toaster.

What is special about tazti speech recognition software?
Most PC users these days spend significant time on the internet performing research, communicating with friends, and having fun. When we designed tazti we incorporated many innovative features in these areas that are not offered by any other company. tazti has Windows XP (XP Tablet), and Vista versions available. It also operates on Intel based Macs via the Paralells desktop environment with Windows installed in the


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